February 5th, 2024
by Pastor Ryan Brooks
by Pastor Ryan Brooks
7 Reasons to Join Vertical Church in our Bible Reading Plan
If you are on the fence about joining the Bible Reading Plan this year, here are a few reasons to reconsider.
1. Churchwide Unity
Embarking on a Church-wide Bible reading plan fosters unity in our Church as we gather around God's word. When we have a Bible reading plan, we, as a Church community, read through the same scriptures daily. At Vertical, we will preach through the Bible Reading Plan throughout the year. Each of the sermons on Sunday will be taken from the previous week's reading plan.
2. Multiplied Impact
Joining us for the Church-wide Bible reading plan paired with joining the group at Vertical Church will offer a triple impact of the scriptures. 1) You will read the scriptures in your personal time during the week. 2) On Sunday, you will hear a sermon from one of the scriptures that you read personally. 3) When you attend your Missional Community Group, you can expect to discuss what it looks like to walk out the application of those scriptures in the community.
3. Intentional Bible Engagement
While most Christians would affirm that the Bible is the word of God, many often fail to engage the Bible consistently. Biblical Literacy is becoming more and more of a lost appreciation. In a culture that wants done-for-you resources and quick answers from search engines, more and more people fail to engage with the Bible directly. Following a Bible Reading Plan encourages Intentional Bible Engagement.
4. Relational Connection
When sharing in a Church-wide Bible Reading Plan, you and others have a very simple form of connection around the scriptures. As you engage in Missional Community Groups and Discipleship Groups, you have a fundamental foundation of connection through God's word. This relational connection is not limited your groups but can also be a point of connection in your home or other family memebers that you join you in the reading plan.
5. Spiritual Discipline
Your spiritual disciplines most often inform your spiritual health. Following a Bible Reading Plan helps foster healthy habits around the spiritual discipline of Bible reading. The "State of the Bible" report revealed that only 9% of Christians read their Bible daily. A reading plan helps form healthy habits for engaging God's word. Spiritual Disciplines do not happen without intention.
6. Discipleship Foundations
Vertical Church wants to be a Church that makes Disciple makers, and a foundation mark of a Disciple is that they are scriptural. We believe that discipleship is walking with others so that they would Know God deeply and follow God fully. We learn of the character of God and the plan of God through the word of God. Walking through a Bible reading plan lays a firm foundation for Discipleship relationships.
7. Invitational
It may seem hard to believe, but inviting people to join you in a Bible reading plan may be easier than you think. When you have a plan for people to follow, people are much more likely to join you in reading the bible. Consider inviting friends or your family members through a group chat to join you in the reading plan. Even if they get started later in the year, you will have a very simple on ramp for them when you can tell them to pick up wherever we are in the plan.
All in all, you will need to revisit these reasons, among others, to help you remain consistent with the reading plan. It will not always be easy to stick to the plan but remember the many reasons why participating in a Bible Reading Plan.
Posted in BIble Reading Plan
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