"Equipping The Church for the Work of the Ministry"

As a Church we believe that scripture instructs us to grow in our faith and walk. To grow often means we need tools, resources, and content that helps us to know God deeply and follow God deeply.   At Vertical we want to create an easy access point for you to find some these resources so that you can continue to become all that God wants you to be.

Vertical Blog

The Vertical Church Blog is written by varying authors that make up the Vertical Church family.  The Blog aims to offer clarity, understanding, and practical steps to following Jesus Christ.

Campfire Conversations Podcast

Campfire Conversations is the Vertical Church Podcast used to further discuss sermons, faith in culture, and long form content for Discipleship.  You can listen on Spotify and Apple Podcast


Looking for tools to share your faith, practice discipleship, or learn more of what it means to be a Disciple maker? The resources provided on this resource page will help you share the gospel and make disciples of Jesus Christ.


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Spiritual Disciplines

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Family + Relationships

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