the Gospel

The Gospel Story

A Beautiful Beginning
God is the Creator of all things and everything He created is beautiful.  In the beginning, God created mankind and we see a beautiful relationship between God and his wonderful creation.  This was the model of a perfect community.  God gave mankind the responsibility of ruling the earth as He ruled the heavens.  We see beautiful harmony between God and man, and all was good in the world.

A Tragic Fall
Despite all of this beauty, sin crept into the world.  Sin is the actions and thoughts that cause us to turn away from God.  We see this in the very beginning of the Bible where Adam and Eve disobey God and eat the forbidden fruit.  This disobedience created separation between God and his beautiful creation.  The relationship would have remained strained as man continued to struggle to live a sinless life to restore a relationship with God.

Redemption and Rescue

Mankind struggled with sin but God had a plan to do whatever it took to restore the relationship between God and man.  God sent his perfect Son to be born in this world to overcome sin for mankind.  The only way He could do this was by giving up His life to die on a cross in the place for every person who would ever sin for all eternity.  Like Adam and Eve, our sins separate us from God, but our faith in His son Jesus Christ restores our relationship with God.  

New Life
Jesus Christ sacrificed His life for you, but that was not the end of this story.  After only 3 days God raised Jesus from the dead and gave Him new life.  Like Christ, when we believe that Jesus Christ died for our sins and that God raised Him from the dead, we get to experience that same new life for ourselves.  We no longer live under our own leadership but we surrender our lives to Jesus Christ to follow Him, walk with Him, be like Him, and shine in this world for Him.

If you have read this and feel that you are ready to give your life to Christ, you can start by saying the words below and telling God about your desire for a changed life.  We call this a prayer, which is simply a communication with God.
Say this Prayer to God:
God, I know that I am a sinner. I know that I deserve the consequences of my sin. However, I am trusting in Jesus Christ as my Savior. I believe that His death and resurrection provided payment for my forgiveness. I trust in Jesus and Jesus alone as my personal Lord and Savior. I want to live the rest of my life with You. Thank you Lord, for saving me and forgiving me! Amen!"

The First Step
The first step we hope you take is to make a commitment to follow Jesus Christ.  This simply means that you have accepted the invitation from God the Father Himself into His great story through a relationship with His Son, Jesus Christ. Following Jesus Christ means that you are ready to be under the leadership of God the Father in every area of your life. You are now a part of the family of God and play a role in His eternal story for all mankind.  Following Christ means that you have turned away from who you once were and now trust Jesus Christ as leader of your life.

If you are ready to follow Jesus we would love to talk to you. Please connect with us below by completing the next steps form and choose salvation for your next step.