News + Events

What's going on at Vertical Church

Launch | February 22nd

Ready to go from Connected to Committed? Then you are ready for Launch! Learn what it means to become a Partner at Vertical Church. Register today for our next Launch class

Newcomers Connection | March 9th 11:30am

If you are looking to go from someone that has been coming to Vertical to make a connection with Vertical then Newcomers is for you.  We will take about 15 minutes to simply tell you a little about Vertical and the ways you can connect with Vertical Church.  Be sure register to let us know that you are coming.

Elevate - Servant Leader Meeting | March 15th 4:00

This is our our quarterly Servant Leader meeting. During this time we will celebrate all God is doing in and through our church, share pertinent information about what we are trusting the Lord for this year, and provide you with further development as a leader in our church. As always, we'll also have good food and lots of laughs. We can't wait to see you there, register today!

Tribal | Every 2nd + 4th Sunday 

At Vertical Church, we believe in empowering our youth to know God deeply and follow Him fully. That's why we offer Tribal, a ministry dedicated to middle and high school students. Tribal meets every second and fourth Sunday at 3pm, providing a space where students can grow in their faith, connect with peers, and experience God in a meaningful way. We’re passionate about raising up the next generation of disciples!

Campfire Conversations

Our  Campfire Conversations  content is designed to help you Know God Deeply and Follow God Fully as a Disciple of Jesus Christ. We aspire to provide content and resources that further your walk with Christ and those around you. No matter your medium  of choice, we have what you need. Whether you like to read, or enjoy great conversation, Campfire Conversations is for YOU!

Missional Community Groups | Available now

If you are interested in joining a Missional Community Group,
please check all the groups we currently offer here and choose
which group works best for you